One pavement preservation method to monitor closely throughout the project is micro surfacing. Among the materials that require quality control/quality assurance so you get proper coverage and a smooth, clean end result is the aggregate.
Just because you test the stockpile back at the plant and come up with numbers that fall within spec doesn’t mean the rock fed from the nurse truck to your micro surfacing paver will be on spec. “Things” happen.
For best practices, have your loader operator feed material from the stockpile to a vibrating screen. On-spec material can then be fed through the screen, up a conveyor, and into the nurse truck or directly into your micro surfacing paver. Even if your stockpile is located onsite, are you sure your loader operator is feeding the on-spec material to the machine?
If you’re lucky enough to have the stockpile built on a clean, paved surface, you may be golden. But if the stockpile is on a gravel or dirt area, your loader operator must be trained to avoid scooping along the ground. You don’t want contamination getting into the micro surfacing operation. Your best bet is to screen your micro surfacing aggregate to ensure it’s on target.
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