Partner Courses

Considering the importance of training for safety, uptime and quality, companies that emphasize training for their work force give themselves a competitive advantage in today’s marketplace. Veteran employees probably know exactly what they’re doing. But do they know what they’re doing with the new technology? Do they know how to teach new recruits who will be in charge of quality next season or the season after?

Check out the training opportunities listed below, find one that fits your schedule and your employee training needs, and bring your crew up to bonus-worthy preparedness.


Asphalt Paving 101 Online Course

AsphaltPro Magazine hosts the Asphalt Paving 101 online training course for a fee to learn in the areas of paving/compaction, QC/QA in the field, pavement maintenance, and heavy equipment maintenance.

Astec Industries

Asphalt Road Construction Schools

Astec offers in-person training with a unique combination of lectures and hands-on practice in the plant and paving categories for customers and dealers who pre-register. There is a fee for training; classes in January, February and March typically sell out quickly.

Visit or call (423) 827-1899

Blaw-Knox Corporation, a division of Gencor Industries

The Blaw-Knox University

Blaw-Knox offers in-person training courses on paver operation and maintenance and best paving practices for dealers and customers in January and early February 2024. There is a fee for training and class size is limited.

Visit or call (407) 290-6000 ext. 342

Gencor Industries

Gencor Advanced Training School

Gencor Industries offers in-person training to improve overall plant production and efficiency. Classes are for hot-mix asphalt producers that own and operate HMA facilities. There is a fee for training and class size is limited. To secure a seat for the January and early February classes, please register before Dec. 15, 2023.

Visit or call (407) 290-6000 ext. 342

Stansteel/Hotmix Parts & Service

Hotmix University

Stansteel hosts in-person training in Louisville and offers periodic “Hotmix How-to” webinars for asphalt plant managers/superintendents and plant managers. There is a fee for training.

Call (502) 245-1977 or visit

Top Quality Paving

individual and whole-crew training

Top Quality Paving & Training hosts training at the contractor’s site for a fee to learn in the areas of paving/compaction, pavement maintenance, QC/QA in the field, and heavy equipment maintenance.

Wirtgen Group

Wirtgen America’s Center for Training and Technology (CTT)

Wirtgen Group offers in-person training at the CTT for customers, dealers, employees and the road construction industry. There is a fee.
