Jan 18, 2021
Sign Up for AMAP Conference to See Results in Your Operation
BY AsphaltPro Staff
As you work through seasonal maintenance and training tasks, look to the Association of Modified Asphalt Producers (AMAP) for information on what DOTs and modified asphalt producers are preparing to accomplish in 2021. At the upcoming online conference this Feb. 9-11, AMAP will include a presentation from Brian Hirt, the managing director at CTC & Associates, on the results of AMAP’s second market survey of modified asphalt product producers and transportation agencies. Over 150 companies plus all states and provinces were invited to participate in the survey for a robust set of data.
Also at the online conference, NAPA’s Jay Hansen will share what contractors might expect funding-wise for the future, and a variety of industry leaders will report on projects from New Mexico, Florida, Nebraska, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Mexico, Russia, South Africa, the Middle East, and more. This is an opportunity to glean best pavement preservation practices, tips for modified asphalt equipment at the asphalt plant, additives advancements, and more implementable information that you can share in your toolbox talks, training sessions, and project planning going forward.
Visit www.modifiedasphalt.org to get more information and to register for the conference.