Caterpillar Updates Cat CS56B Soil Compactor
BY AsphaltPro Staff
Caterpillar, Minneapolis, offers the Cat® CS56B soil compactor with a redesigned cab for operator comfort, exclusive Cat® dual pump propel system with electronic control, and new Cat Compaction Control that’s factory installed, dealer supported and integrated with the machine. Two sensor options are available, including the new Machine Drive Power (MDP), which is exclusive Cat technology based on rolling resistance. Take a closer look:
MDP is designed to work on all soil types (fines, granular and cohesive) and with smooth drums, padfoot drums or smooth drums equipped with padfoot shell kits. It works with the vibe system on or off, allowing operators to measure during working passes or when proofing passes. It works by measuring the energy necessary to overcome rolling resistance, which the manufacturer states is a more tangible and direct measurement of soil stiffness.
The CS series specifically has enhanced compaction force with more weight at the drum and enhanced propel system.
For more information, contact your local Cat dealer.
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