We all know it’s hard to find qualified workers at any age. But trying to find employees who are comfortable with the ever increasing amount of technology at work on the job site can be even more challenging.
That’s why the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) is encouraging all of us in the construction industry to make room for millenials at the job site.
After all, they’ve grown up with a smartphone glued to their hand and a FitBit on their wrist.
In fact, AEM points out, our industry’s embrace of the latest technology could actually entice millenials to join our industry.
“Jobsites today are so far removed from what millennials have come to expect in their daily lives,” said Chad Hollingsworth, cofounder and president, Triax Technologies. “They expect new solutions to do their job better, to get rid of manual processes.”
Drones, artificial intelligence, augmented and virtual reality, smartphone apps, tablets and wearables are only a few of the technologies that will find a home on construction job sites of the future.
According to Barry Peyton, product manager at Intelliwave Technologies, incorporating new technology on the job site can also improve efficiency and productivity, compared to older manual processes. So, in addition to attracting millenial employees, incorporating more tech in your work zone could also improve your bottom line!
Despite the value tech-savvy young employees can bring to the job site, AEM recognizes it’s not without its own challenges.
“One of the challenges is closing the gap between the more seasoned construction professional that might be more hesitant to leverage new systems, and the younger, more tech-savvy generation that might not have as much experience with traditional construction methods,” AEM said in its press release.
But, it’s an avenue worth pursuing.
Seasoned employees will see the benefits of improved safety and efficiency on the job site, and younger employees will be able to help turn a pile of raw materials into a building, bridge or an asphalt road.
Just something to consider while you recruit new workers this paving season!
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